Category Archives: Least Favorites

Pet Peeves

  • Litter
  • People driving below the speed limit
  • People who mock others for their enthusiasm
  • Small mindedness
  • When someone explodes verbally then congratulates themselves for “being honest”
  • Open cupboard doors
  • Grass clippings all over my patio
  • When I forget to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer until the next morning
  • Cliques
  • Arrogance

Bugs I Have Known (But not enjoyed)

  1. Box elder bugs
  2. Ladybugs
  3. Asian beetles
  4. Roley Poleys
  5. Crickets (Almost my least favorite)
  6. Grasshoppers (My least favorite ever)
  7. Velcro Ninja Beetles (which is what we called them at camp but I don’t know their real name)
  8. Mosquitoes
  9. Black flies
  10. June bugs
  11. Shad flies
  12. Silverfish (also known as those horrible antenna-y things)
  13. Centipedes
  14. Roaches (as opposed to…)
  15. Sewer roaches
  16. Fireflies
  17. Butterflies
  18. Caterpillars
  19. Moths
  20. Ants
  21. Fruit flies
  22. Termites
  23. Aphids