Tag Archives: childhood

Silly Songs From My Youth

  1. Elsie was a Mighty Fine Cow (she was a friend of mine)
  2. Alice the Camel (had five humps)
  3. Eddie Coochacatchacamatoceneratocenokasammacammawacky Brown (fell into a well)
  4. Cumalauda Vista (on and on and on a vista)
  5. Scab Sandwiches (with puss on top)
  6. Great Big Globs of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts (little birdies’ dirty feet)
  7. Leprosy (all my skin is falling off of me)
  8. Put Your Hand in a Fan (and you’ll probably lose a finger)
  9. Cow-patty Love (is the way I feel)


Leprosy (to the tune of “Yesterday”)

Leprosy, all my skin is falling off of me
I’m not half the man I used to be
Since I contracted leprosy.

Kiss me quick, before I lose my upper lip,
I don’t even have a nose to pick
Since I contracted leprosy.