Tag Archives: job hunting is like dating

How Job Hunting is Like Dating

  • In the beginning you’re choosy, but eventually you hand out resumes the same way men use Tinder: Swipe right on everything.
  • Your friends tell you their success stories so you start to believe you just might find the perfect match.
  • It’s all about the networking. But that’s exhausting.
  • Most of what you find isn’t even slightly attractive.
  • What looks good also looks out of your league.
  • Everything that seems interesting ignores you.
  • When anyone gives you the slightest bit of attention you get giddy, even when you can clearly see they are not right for you.
  • Meeting in person for the first time is nerve-wracking.
  • You buy new clothes for that first meeting, even though this is the first time you met so how would they know if the clothes are new or not but you do it anyway.
  • After your meet up all of your friends want the deets but really all you can say is “I don’t know. I guess we’ll see.”
  • After a couple weeks of radio silence you realize you’ve been ghosted.
  • Half the time you get 15 minutes into that first meeting and you think “Eh, is this really the best option I’ve got?”
  • In general, the process stinks.
Is Job-hunting like Dating? – JVS