Tag Archives: trivia questions

Tuesday Trivia

  1. What nationality was the great composer Chopin?
  2. Who wrote Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde?
  3. In what year did Elvis first appear in concert?
  4. Name the capital of Finland.
  5. How many wives did Henry XIII have?
  6. What is the smallest ocean?
  7. In the movie The Princess Bride, what is the true identity of the man in black?
  8. How many months have 31 days?
  9. Who lives at 10 Downing Street?
  10. What element, when in its natural form, can start the size of a matchbox and be flattened into the size of a football field?



(Answers below…. don’t scroll down unless you want to know)



  1. Polish
  2. Robert Louis Stevenson
  3. 1954
  4. Helsinki
  5. Six
  6. Artic
  7. Wesley / The Dread Pirate Roberts
  8. Seven
  9. The British Prime Minister
  10. Gold